How to Take the Test

Choose the colored box that you feel is the most “you” and be as honest with yourself as possible.




















19. You have a deep desire to:

20. You value:

21. It is easy for you to:

22. You sometimes:

23. In your relationships, you most value:

24. People describe you as:

Skylight Test
Type 1 & Type 2

Type 1 & Type 3

Type 1 & Type 4

Type 1 & Type 5

Type 1 & Type 6

Type 1 & Type 7

Type 1 & Type 8

Type 1 & Type 9

Type 2 & Type 3

Type 2 & Type 4

Type 2 & Type 5

Type 2 & Type 6

Type 2 & Type 7

Type 2 & Type 8

Type 2 & Type 9

Type 3 & Type 4

Type 3 & Type 5

Type 3 & Type 6

Type 3 & Type 7

Type 3 & Type 8

Type 3 & Type 9

Type 4 & Type 5

Type 4 & Type 6

Type 4 & Type 7

Type 4 & Type 8

Type 4 & Type 9

Type 5 & Type 6

Type 5 & Type 7

Type 5 & Type 8

Type 5 & Type 9

Type 6 & Type 7

Type 6 & Type 8

Type 6 & Type 9

Type 7 & Type 8

Type 7 & Type 9

Type 8 & Type 9

Share your Results:


Take Your Results With a Grain of Salt

Personality tests can be biased for many reasons. Sometimes people answer the way they want to be perceived (instead of the way they naturally are), or the wording in the questions conjure up unrelated experiences and biases. Therefore, we recommend that you use the test as a starting point.

After taking the test, read the descriptions provided in the Type sections listed below. Keep in mind that you’ve probably developed the strengths of many of the types, so you should try to identify which Type’s characteristics come to you most naturally. Use the two Types that match you best to create your customized Skylight keychain. The keychain can open deeper discussions with those around you and help you emphasize your strengths and improve upon your weaknesses.


Learn More About Each Type

Get the Keychain That Matches Your Unique Type Combination

Skylight Keychains