
The Enneagram

Skylight builds upon the Enneagram model of human personality. This model, which has origins dating back to Ancient Greece, suggests that every person in the world has 1 of 9 core personality types. These 9 Enneagram Types are given different labels and names depending on the source and author, but the core strengths, weaknesses, and personality behind each Type is consistent. A simple Google search of “Enneagram”, “Enneagram Type 1”, “Enneagram Type 2”, etc. will quickly show that the collective knowledge available to learn about the Enneagram is endless.

The Enneagram is also associated with a circular Enneagram figure with 9 points and interconnected lines. This figure is the starting point when diving further in-depth into the Enneagram. A full study lets you learn about each Type’s wings, progression and regression towards other Types, emotional/thinking/feeling centers, and more.


How is Skylight Different than the Enneagram?

Skylight aims to simplify the depth of the Enneagram by focusing only on the nine Types, and not on their inter-connectedness. Skylight also classifies each individual as a combination of two Types, rather than only one. Why do we do this? While most people will heavily identify with one core Type, they will also feel that they have developed, or heavily value, the characteristics associated with a second Type. Having Two Types allows people to choose from 1 of 36 different keychains, rather than 1 of 9. When explaining their keychain to others, owners of the Skylight keychain can emphasize which Type is their “core” Type, what life experiences led them to choose their 2nd Type, and how both types build upon each other to form their unique personality.


The Purpose of Skylight is to:

1. Help you better understand and build upon your natural strengths, and also recognize and improve upon your natural weaknesses.

2. Help others more easily connect with you on a deeper level by providing them with an immediate glimpse into your core personality.

3. Help the world recognize that regardless of race, gender, sexuality, or nationality, we are all human beings at our core. Celebrating our unique personalities can make our countries, communities, friendships, and families more successful and exciting.


Please Contact Us With Any Questions, Concerns, or Success Stories.